Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, ‎2950-4716

Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

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  4. The effect of elevated CO2 concentration and nutrient supply on carbon-based plant secondary metabolites in Pinus sylvestris L.
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  8. Distribution and community structure of araneocoenoses (Araneae) along an altitudinal gradient on Kozuf Mountain (North Macedonia)
  9. Do abundance distributions and species aggregation correctly predict macroecological biodiversity patterns in tropical forests?
  10. Correlation between Isometric Maximum Strength and One Repetition Maximum in the Calf Muscle in Extended and Bended Knee Joint
  11. All-affected, Non-identity and the Political Representation of Future Generations: Linking Intergenerational Justice with Democracy
  12. Rezension von: Fischer, Frank (2017): Climate Crisis and the Democratic Prospect. Participatory Governance in Sustainable Communities
  13. Kunst- und Kulturproduktion im Bezugsrahmen von Pierre Bourdieus Theorie und die kultursoziologische Analyse sozialer Bewegungen
  14. Effects of local neighbourhood diversity on crown structure and productivity of individual trees in mature mixed-species forests