Verflochten und verzettelt: Risiken ambitionierter Politik in der Demokratie

Presse/Medien: Presse / Medien

Democracy depends on the relevant actors' ability to compromise, i.e. on their enlightened self-interest in cooperation and bargaining. For decades democratic politics have been accompanied by background music: chiefly, the lament that it is hardly possible to implement »ambitious« policies within the existing structures of federal, parliamentary democracy. 


TitelVerflochten und verzettelt: Risiken ambitionierter Politik in der Demokratie
Medienbezeichnung/OutletNeue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte - Zeitschrift für Politik und Kultur
Datum der Veröffentlichung02.09.24
BeschreibungDemocracy depends on the relevant actors' ability to compromise, i.e. on their enlightened self-interest in cooperation and bargaining. For decades democratic politics have been accompanied by background music: chiefly, the lament that it is hardly possible to implement »ambitious« policies within the existing structures of federal, parliamentary democracy.
Produzent/AutorFriedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Berlin
PersonenAstrid Séville


Democracy depends on the relevant actors' ability to compromise, i.e. on their enlightened self-interest in cooperation and bargaining. For decades democratic politics have been accompanied by background music: chiefly, the lament that it is hardly possible to implement »ambitious« policies within the existing structures of federal, parliamentary democracy. 
