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  1. 2011
  2. Dissertation Completion Award

    Dettmer, Katrin (Recipient), 09.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  3. Förderung von Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen: Konferenzförderung, BIOECON Conference, Genf, Schweiz

    Olbrich, Roland (Recipient), 11.09.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  4. LehrerInnen als „Reflective Practitioner“. Reflexionskompetenz für einen demokratieförderlichen Naturwissenschaftsunterricht

    Abels, Simone (Recipient), 20.09.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  5. Promotionsstipendium

    Hosseini, Anita (Recipient), 10.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  6. SOEP Preis des DIW "Best junior publication 2011"

    Pfeifer, Christian (Recipient), 10.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  7. “Award for Junior Researchers 2012” in the category “Excellent Publications”

    Tegtmeier, Silke (Recipient), 01.10.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  8. F.R.S.-FNRS Research Fellow

    Delory, Benjamin (Recipient), 01.10.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  9. Promotionsstipendium

    Rammelberg, Holger Urs (Recipient), 01.11.2011

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  10. 2012
  11. Best Doctoral Researcher of the year 2011 der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (3. Platz)

    Burandt, Simon (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  12. Best Paper Award

    Seckler, Christoph (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  13. Best Publisher of the Year 2012

    Schomerus, Thomas (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  14. Best Young Researcher of the Year 2012 der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (3. Platz

    Pfeifer, Christian (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  15. Dissertationspreis Kulturwissenschaften 2012

    Equit, Claudia (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  16. DOC-Stipendium

    Opratko, Benjamin (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  17. Doctoral Student Research Award 2012

    Seckler, Christoph (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  18. Forschungspreis

    Pias, Claus (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  19. German Historical Institute Moscow, Russia, Fellowship

    Rother, Lynn (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch