Institute of New Venture Management
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of New Venture Management at the School of Management and Technology.
The Institute of New Venture Management of Management and Technology of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg consists of the Professorship for Business Administration, in Particular Business Start-Ups (Prof. Dr. Schulte).
Main research areas
Start-up management refers to the target-oriented business management of entrepreneurial foundings and early development processes. We conduct research, teaching and transfer on this still young part of decision-oriented business administration. On this website you find the most important information about us and our activities.
College (Organisational unit)
Schulte, R. (Chair)
2008 → 2010Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
College (Organisational unit)
Schulte, R. (Coordinator)
2007 → 2012Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
Colloquium of the Personality and Social Psychology Division - 2006
Tegtmeier, S. (Speaker)
15.09.2006Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Research
Conference of the Center for Advanced Studiesin Management - CASiM 2013
Braun, S. (presenter)
04.07.2013Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
CREPS-Workshop 2004
Tegtmeier, S. (Speaker)
25.11.2004Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Crowdfunding Success and Social Capital – An Empirical Analysis in German Speaking Countries
Weigand, C. (Speaker), Pakura, S. (Speaker) & Meyer, V. (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Educational and Occupational Biographies of Company's Founders – An Analysis of Personal Longitudinal Data with GSOEP
Tegtmeier, S. (Speaker)
17.06.2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Edward Elgar Publishing (Publisher)
Tegtmeier, S. (Editor)
01.01.2013 → 30.06.2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editor of unfinished anthology/collection › Research
Edward Elgar Publishing (Publisher)
Tegtmeier, S. (Editor)
01.09.2013 → 30.06.2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editor of unfinished anthology/collection › Research
EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference 2009
Tegtmeier, S. (presenter)
27.02.2009Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research