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  1. Journal of Communications

    ISSNs: 1796-2021

    Engineering and Technology Publishing

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 3.4 SJR 0.242 SNIP 0.334


  2. Journal of Communications and Information Networks

    ISSNs: 2096-1081

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 2509-3312

    Posts and Telecom Press Co Ltd

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 7 SJR 1.946 SNIP 1.032


  3. Journal of Communications and Networks

    ISSNs: 1229-2370

    Korean Institute of Communication Sciences

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 6.6 SJR 1.551 SNIP 1.724


  4. Journal of Communications Software and Systems

    ISSNs: 1845-6421

    University of Split

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 2 SJR 0.223 SNIP 0.249

    Indexed in DOAJ


  5. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics

    ISSNs: 1064-2269, 8756-6648, 0033-7889

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1555-6557

    Pleiades Publishing

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1 SJR 0.222 SNIP 0.468


  6. 1 Publication

    Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics

    ISSNs: 1352-3279

    Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom


  7. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

    ISSNs: 1052-9284, 0885-6249

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1099-1298

    John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 4.7 SJR 0.97 SNIP 1.158


  8. Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage

    ISSNs: 2051-8196

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 2051-820X

    Taylor and Francis Ltd.

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.8 SJR 0.414 SNIP 0.899


  9. Journal of Community Genetics

    ISSNs: 1868-310X

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1868-6001


    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 3.3 SJR 0.643 SNIP 0.701


  10. Journal of Community Health

    ISSNs: 0094-5145

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1573-3610

    Springer Netherlands

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 10.8 SJR 1.207 SNIP 1.22
