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1821 - 1830 out of 2,152Page size: 10
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  1. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences

    ISSNs: 1732-9353

    Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 1.2 SJR 0.192 SNIP 0.237


  2. 20 Publications

    Scientific Reports

    ISSNs: 2045-2322

    Nature Publishing Group, United Kingdom

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 7.5 SJR 0.973 SNIP 1.312

    Indexed in DOAJ


  3. Scientific Programming

    ISSNs: 1058-9244

    Additional searchable ISSN (Electronic): 1875-919X

    Hindawi Limited

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 1.7 SJR 0.303 SNIP 0.581

    Indexed in DOAJ


  4. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration

    ISSNs: 1211-555X

    Additional searchable ISSN (Electronic): 1804-8048

    University of Pardubice

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 1.4 SJR 0.172 SNIP 0.233

    Indexed in DOAJ


  5. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere

    ISSNs: 1349-6476

    Meteorological Society of Japan

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 3.7 SJR 0.916 SNIP 0.841

    Indexed in DOAJ


  6. Scientific Modeling and Simulation SMNS

    ISSNs: 1874-8554

    Additional searchable ISSN (Electronic): 1874-8562

    Springer Netherlands


  7. Scientific Mining Journal

    ISSNs: 2564-7024, 0024-9416

    Union of Chambers of Engineers and Architects of Turkey

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 0.4 SJR 0.163 SNIP 0.196


  8. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport

    ISSNs: 0209-3324

    Additional searchable ISSN (Electronic): 2450-1549

    Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 1.1 SJR 0.168 SNIP 0.264

    Indexed in DOAJ


  9. Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences

    ISSNs: 1560-652X

    Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 0.4 SJR 0.12 SNIP 0.127


  10. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University

    ISSNs: 1658-0311

    King Faisal University

    Scopus rating (2022): CiteScore 0.4 SJR 0.137 SNIP 0.229
