Lesley Jane Smith

Prof. Dr.

Lesley Jane Smith


Prof. Dr. Lesley Jane Smith

  1. Erschienen

    Space law: A Treatise, Francis Lyall, Paul B. Larsen, Ashgate, Farnham, UK (2009)

    Smith, L. J., 02.2010, in: Space Policy. 26, 1, S. 69-70 2 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenRezensionenForschung

  2. Capability and fair return in European and International Space cooperation

    Bank, C. & Smith, L. J., 2008, International Astronautical Federation - 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, IAC 2008. International Astronautical Foundation IAF, S. 9769-9779 11 S. (International Astronautical Federation - 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, IAC 2008; Band 15).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  3. Jurisdiction and applicable law in cases of damage from space in Europe - The advent of the most suitable choice - Rome II

    Smith, L. J. & Doldirina, C., 10.2008, International Astronautical Federation - 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, IAC 2008. International Astronautical Foundation IAF, S. 9789-9797 9 S. (International Astronautical Federation - 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, IAC 2008; Band 15).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  4. Erschienen

    The EU inspire directive: A suitable mechanism to make spatial data (more) available?

    Smith, L. J. & Doldirina, C., 2007, 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007. Paris: International Astronautical Foundation IAF, S. 9149-9158 10 S. (International Astronautical Federation - 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007; Band 14).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  5. Erschienen

    Where is paradise? The EU's navigation system Galileo - Some comments on inherent risks (or paradise lost)

    Smith, L. J., 2007, International Astronautical Federation - 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007. International Astronautical Foundation IAF, S. 9391-9402 12 S. (International Astronautical Federation - 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007; Band 14).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  6. Erschienen

    Institutional challenges for space activities in Europe

    Smith, L. J. & Hörl, K.-U., 01.02.2007, in: Acta Astronautica. 60, 3, S. 210-220 11 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenZeitschriftenaufsätzeForschungbegutachtet

  7. Convergence and privatisation in telecommunications «regulation of access to limited resources in telecommunications sector in Europe»

    Smith, L. J. & Levy, K., 2006, Proceedings of the 48th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA), S. 443-453 11 S. (Proceedings of the 48th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space; Band 2006).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  8. Erschienen

    Remote sensing data: Some critical comments on the current state of regulation and reflections on reform

    Smith, L. J. & Doldirina, C., 02.10.2006, AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA), S. 10858-10868 11 S. (AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006; Band 16).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

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