Berta Martín-López
Prof. Dr.
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The links between biodiversity and ecosystem services
Balvanera, P., Quijas, S., Martín-López, B., Barrios, E., Dee, L., Isbell, F., Durance, I., White, P., Blanchard, R. & de Groot, R., 2016, Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R. & Fish, R. (Hrsg.). London: Taylor & Francis, S. 85-104 20 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
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Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change
Ravera, F. (Herausgeber*in), Iniesta-Arandia, I. (Herausgeber*in), Martín-López, B. (Herausgeber*in), Pascual, U. (Herausgeber*in) & Bose, P. (Herausgeber*in), 01.12.2016, Secaucus: Springer. 393 S. (AMBIO; Band 45, Nr. 3 (Supplement))Publikation: Bücher und Anthologien › Zeitschriftenhefte › Forschung
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A synthesis of convergent reflections, tensions and silences in linking gender and global environmental change research
Iniesta-Arandia, I., Ravera, F., Buechler, S., Díaz-Reviriego, I., Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Reed, M. G., Thompson-Hall, M., Wilmer, H., Aregu, L., Cohen, P., Djoudi, H., Lawless, S., Martín-López, B., Smucker, T., Villamor, G. B. & Wangui, E. E., 01.12.2016, in: Ambio. 45, Supplement 3, S. 383-393 11 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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The diversity of gendered adaptation strategies to climate change of Indian farmers: A feminist intersectional approach
Ravera, F., Martín-López, B., Pascual, U. & Drucker, A., 01.12.2016, in: Ambio. 45, 3, Supplement, S. 335-351 17 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change
Ravera, F., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Martín-López, B., Pascual, U. & Bose, P., 01.12.2016, in: Ambio. 45, 3, Supplement, S. 235-247 13 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene
Bennett, E. M., Solan, M., Biggs, R., McPhearson, T., Norström, A. V., Olsson, P., Pereira, L., Peterson, G. D., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., Biermann, F., Carpenter, S. R., Ellis, E. C., Hichert, T., Galaz, V., Lahsen, M., Milkoreit, M., Martín-López, B., Nicholas, K. A., Preiser, R., Vince, G., Vervoort, J. M. & Xu, J., 01.10.2016, in: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 14, 8, S. 441-448 8 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Contrasting changes in the abundance and diversity of North American bird assemblages from 1971 to 2010
Schipper, A. M., Belmaker, J., de Miranda, M. D., Navarro, L. M., Böhning-Gaese, K., Costello, M. J., Dornelas, M., Foppen, R., Hortal, J., Huijbregts, M. A. J., Martín-López, B., Pettorelli, N., Queiroz, C., Rossberg, A. G., Santini, L., Schiffers, K., Steinmann, Z. J. N., Visconti, P., Rondinini, C. & Pereira, H. M., 01.12.2016, in: Global Change Biology. 22, 12, S. 3948-3959 12 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Disentangling trade-offs and synergies around ecosystem services with the influence network framework: Illustration from a consultative process over the French Alps
Crouzat, E., Martín-López, B., Turkelboom, F. & Lavorel, S., 01.01.2016, in: Ecology and Society. 21, 2, 18 S., 32.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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What can conservation strategies learn from the ecosystem services approach? Insights from ecosystem assessments in two Spanish protected areas
García-Llorente, M., Harrison, P. A., Berry, P., Palomo, I., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Montes, C., García Del Amo, D. & Martín-López, B., 01.06.2018, in: Biodiversity and Conservation. 27, 7, S. 1575-1597 23 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Exploring the Capacity of Water Framework Directive Indices to Assess Ecosystem Services in Fluvial and Riparian Systems: Towards a Second Implementation Phase
Vidal-Abarca, M. R., Santos-Martín, F., Martín-López, B., Sánchez-Montoya, M. M. & Suárez Alonso, M. L., 01.06.2016, in: Environmental Management. 57, 6, S. 1139-1152 14 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet